Thanks for visiting my writing blog. I have finally finished putting up my old work and hope that it inspires me to write more (that is, other than the stuff on my family blog). As you can see, it has been several years since I've completed a poem. Actually, I have a couple of poems I've been working on, but I can't seem to get them right. Maybe I'll post them just to get some feedback and it will help me to finish!
Also, please note that most of the dates on my work are just estimates as many of them go through so many drafts that it is hard to pinpoint an exact date!
I appreciate all critiques on my work, past and present.
I feel death's orange sweet breath on my face, when I breath out its wish, I hope I fall like a leaf, wither to the ground, be stirred up by the passing cars, flutter back down to rest, gracefully.